Clan Concept

Similarity is a myth…for difference is the ultimate Truth.....

We at Ivy International School have done away with the “run of the mill” practice of House System. We have put in place Clan Concept, a unique way of management of the students, for the students and by the students. It is a three dimensional approach in the development of a child. Clan System is the age-old method of controlling, maintaining and developing individuals in a family through different means, like authority, responsibility, care, fellow feeling, attention & guidance and not just competing with/against each other.

The four clans at Ivy International  School are :

  • Bavarian
  • Spartan
  • Utopian
  • Venetian

All Clans have Clan Heads and Vice Heads, comprising clan members from each class/section, selected through an equal division of students from every grade, starting from Grade 1. Each clan member gets the opportunity to be a Mentor, a Mentee and a Best Buddy in a cyclic manner.

Systems in Place ….. to Win Life’s Race ……


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